To outsiders, military spouse friendship may seem like a run of the mill friendship.
But the truth is you spend forever looking for a new best friend, then you fall hard and fast, and then—as happens with any tragedy—you are ripped apart by PCS orders and spend the rest of your lives hoping you’ll land in the same duty station.
Never happens, but a milspouse can dream right?!
Here are 15 GIFs that perfectly explain the bittersweet agony and joy of military spouse friendship…
Stage 1: When you first move to a new duty station and have zero friends.
Stage 2: The moment you attend a spouses’ event and realize you’re not on the “in crowd.”
Stage 3: When you ask another spouse for her number, but don’t want to be too overbearing.
Stage 4: The day you make a new friend but instantly regret it. She’s not really your type.
Stage 5: Eventually you resign to the fact that finding your new milspouse bestie is the equivalent to one bad blind date after the next.
Stage 6: Then you give up on making friends.
Stage 7: You stalk Facebook and every social media channel you can to find out what all your long-distance friends are doing.
Stage 8: Woot! You finally make one friend!
Stage 9: When your ONE new friend moves away a week later.
Stage 10: After about 2 years, you make ALL THE FRIENDS.
Stage 11: Then all of a sudden new people start showing up everywhere.
Stage 12: You get orders to PCS to opposite ends of the Earth from all your friends. You knew this was going to happen.
Stage 13: You fight saying goodbye every step of the way. Must. Hold. It. Together.
Stage 14: But then you finally succumb and have a big giant meltdown.
Stage 15: Repeat until (what feels like) the end of time 🙂 The agony. The joy.
Military spouse friendships are some of the best friends you’ll meet in your whole life, have your back in under 5 seconds, and stay connected despite the distance.
Despite all the challenges, they are worth every moment spent together. Share this with your milspouse friends and let them know.
Want more on military friendship?
- 21 Long-Distance Friendship Truths Only a Military Spouse Would Understand
- The Pain of Saying Goodbye to Your Military Spouse Tribe
- 3 Telltale Signs You’re Friends With an Awesome Military Spouse
- 47 Things No One Tells You About Being a Military Wife
Tania Varela
It is totally truth and sometimes I just try not to deal to find friends. I just keep myself busy.
Louise cahir
Yes I do believe and Yes of course makes best friends and I am still love my rock boyfriend keith is militray and missing him a lots xxx
Sue Nicholl
Love It. Have lived it to many times to count and miss being a part of that wonderful Military Family.
Oh so many truths! This is why I LOVE my work! I get to invite my besties to join my company and I never have to say good bye! We continue to connect multiple times per week as we inspire healthy living and grow big businesses even as we move all around the world. #workfromphone
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True except is darker and lonelier
='(. That is so sad!
This had me laughing so hard!!!!
This is so true!
I finally made a really good friend
who actually wants to be around
me once a week and I’m PCSing. =(
Your blog is great.
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