Inside: Looking for some fresh ideas for military homecoming signs and banner ideas? Check out these 75+ ideas from sayings to images to help you find the perfect homecoming sign after deployment.
Near the end of deployment, it is a fun tradition for military families to welcome their service members home with homecoming signs and banners. Not only do these look great in homecoming pictures, but they serve a practical purpose too.
Often a unit returning from deployment may have hundreds of service members arriving at the same time. Finding each other in the crowd can be frustrating. So if you put their name on a giant sign, they may find you faster!
What if I’m not creative enough to make a homecoming sign?
First of all, don’t stress. The sign isn’t a requirement, and your service member is probably indifferent to the design. If can be a simple or homemade as you like. If you aren’t crafty, but still want a custom look, don’t panic!
You can create a design online using Powerpoint, Canva, or any free design program that lets you save your work as a jpeg file. You can then upload it to a place like Staples or Office Depot to have it turned into a posterboard sign. They will even laminate it for you (for an additional fee).
Making a Homecoming sign doesn’t have to be a time-consuming chore. It should be a fun task to celebrate the end of deployment. You can even have a sign-making party with other families from the unit. Have everyone bring their own posterboard or sheets, then share supplies like paint
, markers
, stencils
, and glitter
so that no one has to make a big investment for a creative sign.
If you need inspiration for your homecoming sign or banner, keep on reading. We have tons of slogans—from cute to funny to mildly inappropriate—that you can use to make your own custom signs.
Popular homecoming signs
I’d wait for you forever, but _____ days was enough!
Our love is deployment strong.
Keep calm. Here I am, just like I promised!
I have waited _____ days for this kiss!
Home is where the heart is, and mine is finally home.
Love endures all things—even deployments. 1 Corinthians 13:7
Always under the same stars, finally under the same roof.
Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me!
Outta my way, I get my soldier/sailor/etc back today!
Name, You owe me _____ days worth of kisses.
His eyes are blue, his boots are tan, outta my way so I can kiss my man!
_____ months I held you in my heart. Today I’ll hold you in my arms!
____ Months, ____ Days, ____ Hours… all spent missing you!
I’m here to pick up the love of my life.
Half my heart is no longer deployed!
Name, get ready for your SECOND first kiss!
The longer the wait, the sweeter the kiss.
I’m here to pick up my hero.
Name, Your Mrs. needs kisses!
Happiness is in the arms of my soldier/sailor/etc.
We’ve missed you more than the miles you’ve traveled.
Best. Day. Ever.
(Number) Days/Months Apart (Number) Emails Sent (Number) Care Packages Sent…Having my Husband Home: Priceless!
Name, Your honey-do list: hug me, hold me, kiss me!
You have traveled the world. Now you’re finally back in mine.
Homecoming sign slogans for the kids
Outta my way, I get my Daddy back today!
These are the hands that prayed for your safe return.
Dad, so glad you’re home—Mom quit two weeks ago!
I’m here to meet my Daddy.
I’m going to walk to my Daddy for the first time today!
Don’t worry, Dad, I took care of Mom… but it’s your turn now!
Some heroes wear capes; mine wears combat boots.
Not as tiny as I used to be… come and hug your mini me!
Home of the free, because my Mom/Dad is brave.
No more Skype calls, goodbye Daddy dolls. No more counting days, this princess gets her Daddy back today!
Hey Dad, you owe Mom ______ diaper changes. Welcome home!
Hand over my Daddy.
Our missing (puzzle) piece has finally returned.
Daddy’s girl (or boy) is here to pick up their hero!
Daddy, here’s your to-do list: read to me, play with me, etc… But first, kiss Mommy!
Forget Batman and Spiderman… our favorite superhero is back!
Homecoming signs for the pets
I’ve been waiting furever for my hero to come home!
I missed you so much I chewed up the couch, the bed, and 5 pairs of shoes.
It’s been a ruff ______ months without my best friend, welcome home!
My mom/dad is home from Iraq. I’ve missed you!
Funny Homecoming sign slogans
I “mustache” you to shave your face so I can kiss you!
(for a baby) Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but my name’s _____, and I’m your baby.
You’re ___ months, _____ days, and _____ hours late for dinner!
1 childbirth, # sleepless nights, # loads of laundry, # baths, # meals, # diaper changes, # dirty dishes, hope you love paybacks! Welcome home!
Name, muster here for hugs and kisses!
Guess who missed (Name)? This guy/girl.
I tried to think of a cute sign, but all I could think of was your cute face!
Homecoming signs with a creative theme
(For gamers) Achievement unlocked: Deployment over! Your next mission: kiss me!
(Harry Potter) I solemnly swear we’ll be up to no good!
(Star Wars) Look, there is my father!
(Finding Nemo) Get over here, Name, I can’t wait to touch the butt!
Use a giant arrow to point to yourself.
At home, make signs out of creative materials: chalk on the driveway, flour shapes on the grass, or a beer “cake” tower.
Mildly inappropriate homecoming signs to display at home
Do not disturb, I’m welcoming home my hero!
Prepare to be de-briefed.
Unlace your boots, unbutton your blouse—can’t wait to see your ACU’s/BCUs/cammies all over the house!
No more reporting for duty, just reporting for booty!
If you thought Afghanistan was hot, just wait ‘til you get inside!
Ready for some real PT?
Hey sailor, drop your anchor in my harbor.
If you thought the boat was rocking, just wait until our boots are knocking!
Let’s oohrah (or hooah) until we’re too raw!
Welcome home soldier/sailor/etc. Drop your pants here!
Where should I hang a homecoming banner?
A banner is larger than a sign. It is designed to be tied up and displayed, rather than held in your hands. You will want to use a large sign made of durable materials, like a sheet with permanent marker or a vinyl banner
If you live near a military base, there may be public areas that are approved for large signs within a week of the homecoming event. This may be a chain link fence along the road leading to base, or a designated area in base housing. You can also hang a banner on your own home no matter where you live. For security reasons, it is best to do this the day of homecoming.
Military families can create a free vinyl banner from You only pay for shipping and additional accessories like metal grommets on the corners. (I recommend the grommets if you plan to hang it because it makes it much easier.) You can upload photos and add your own custom text to make a truly special homecoming banner for your service member.
When preparing for homecoming, have fun with your homecoming sign and banner, and use it to bring a smile to your service member’s face.
We have a wall for our military family members. Would like a sign to hang at the top of the wall. Suggestions?