It’s that time of year for the military ball, an event that usually happens once per year for each branch. You’ve checked out all the military ball dresses and grabbed some other military ball must haves. It can be a fun thing to attend–but not everyone goes. There are a variety of pros and cons on attending the military ball, and here are some of them.
Number one
Pro: You get to dress up. You’ll have a new dress. You’ll do your hair. Maybe you’ll get your nails done. You’ll put on the perfume for the first time in months. You’ll put on makeup. Your husband nearly doesn’t recognize you and even whistles when you come down the stairs.
Con: You have to dress up. The uncomfortable high heels, the itchy dress, and ugh, you actually have to fix your hair into something other than a messy bun?
Number two
Pro: You don’t have to cook! Other people get to serve you! You don’t have to do dishes or clean the table afterwards.
Con: The food sometimes looks weird. Is that chicken? Are those potatoes or bits of cauliflower? Why is the cake dry?
Number three
Pro: Everything looks so fancy! You feel special. You feel like Mariah Carey probably feels for every meal she consumes.
Con: Uh, which fork do you use again? What’s with all the cutlery? Should you escape to the bathroom and quickly look it up?
Number four
Pro: You get to see your friends! You’ll have so much fun laughing throughout the night.
Con: But you have to make small talk with other people too. It can be difficult to make small talk. What do people like to discuss? The weather? Politics? The fact that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are breaking up?
Number five
Pro: Your dress is deemed acceptable and people aren’t taking photos of it and sending it to those websites that mock military spouses! Yay!
Con: People don’t like your dress. They’re pointing and laughing. You’ve made a gigantic mistake. Were the sequins a wrong choice? Your daughter said you looked like a princess! But then again, she’s 5.
Number six
Pro: You get to show your husband that you can, in fact, eat like a lady and not spill something down your front.
Con: You don’t know how to eat like a lady. Roll crumbs have gathered in your lap and your husband is making gestures that you have something between your front teeth AFTER you’ve spoken to a Colonel for ten minutes.
Number seven
Pro: You get to meet new people in the receiving line. How wonderful. Everyone looks amazing and they are so friendly.
Con: The receiving line can be awkward. You hope you look okay. You hope you don’t trip. Please don’t trip. You forgot to get a manicure so you’re hoping people aren’t staring at your fingernails and going, “Why are they uneven?”
Number eight
Pro: You get to dance with your spouse! You haven’t danced with your spouse in years.
Con: Uh, how does one dance again? You don’t want to dance in a suggestive way, but does bobbing your head back and forth look weird? How close can you get to your spouse when he’s in uniform? What if you get too close and you’re yelled at by the General? If you started to do the Robot, would people join in?
Number nine
Pro: There’s alcohol! You haven’t had a cocktail in months.
Con: There’s alcohol. Don’t overdo it. Don’t be “that” person who drinks so much they decide to do a striptease on the dance floor.
Number ten
Pro: The guest speaker is really interesting!
Con: The guest speaker is boring. He has a monotone voice like that one teacher in Ferris Bueller. How much longer is he going to speak?
Number eleven
Pro: You get to see your husband in his formal uniform. He looks amazing.
Con: There is no con. Your husband is in his formal uniform. He looks amazing.
So have you attended a military ball before? What other pros and cons would you add?
Amber Myers is a proud military wife and mother to two kids who drive her to eat lots of chocolate. She blogs over at Airing My Laundry. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Hilarious list and I must agree that there is a lot of truth in there.
Thank you!
Great read- really enjoyed! I’m a military spouse from New Zealand, but yet to go to a ball!
Thank you! I hope you get to go to one someday. It is an experience.
I am a New Zealand civilian living in Auckland and would like to date/be a pen pal to a single military man. I have always wanted to date/go out with a military man since about 15 years ago. I am very serious about meeting and dating a Military man and I am not taking this lightly. I’ve been interested in the military for a very long time since both of my grandfathers were in the war. I have even tried to get a job in the Royal New Zealand Air Force and Navy as a civilian but the interview didn’t go so well. Going to the Military Ball will be lovely. I am a 40 years old.
I died. The Robot. I like that one! And the cabbage patch.
Haha, I forgot about the cabbage patch!
I hate small talk! haha I love meeting new people, but sometimes I’m just left standing there while everyone else is talking and then it’s just weird. But overall, it’s always such a fun night! 🙂
xo, Keating | Hello Lovely