A few years back when my husband was deployed, I was drawing a blank when it came to creative military care package ideas. I literally used to just throw everything inside a plan old box and send the package on it’s merry way.
I know better now. There are thousands of creative military care package ideas that you can use for your next box. Many boxes revolve around a theme or idea, which makes it all the more fun. Plus, a fun list of items to include in care packages.
When you’re done with your care package, be sure to tuck in a missing him quote or a long-distance relationship quote for an extra special touch (if this is for your spouse or significant other).
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Themed military care packages.
Okay, this is so much fun! One of the best ways to show that you care is to put some creative thought into a care package. I’m the first to admit I’m not always the most creative person, so that’s when I turn to Pinterest for inspiration. When you create a themed care package, you not only decorate the box along the theme, but you can also include items within the care package that fit into the theme.
Sports themed care packages.
- Baseball themed care package
- Football care package idea
- Football care package idea 2
- Super bowl care package
Character themed care package.
Holiday themed care packages.
- Valentine’s Day care package
- Halloween care Package
- Thanksgiving care package
- 4th of July care package
- St. Patrick’s Day care package
More themed care package ideas.
- I miss you “snow” much care package
- Army strong care package
- Coffee care package
- I’m cheesy care package
- Beach care package
Best items to pack in a care package.
Drink mixes….
During deployment drink mixes offer a quick and fast way to enjoy something besides water. Many service members may have access to a coffee pot.
Easy protein…
I never found any of these items very appealing to eat when we are at home, but when my husband is deployed he loves these items. Cliff bars and high quality protein bars were a huge favorite.
Easy condiments…
I regularly get requests for Frank’s Red Hot sauce and Tabasco sauce. I don’t typically get too many requests for other condiments, but these are good ones to send that ship well. Mayonnaise is definitely a no-go unless it’s the dead of winter. I’ve also hear Taco Bell hot sauce packets are a huge hit.
Easy snacks…
This is probably the easiest category. Anything in this category ships beautifully long-distances in a variety of temperatures.
- graham crackers
- regular crackers
- cookies
- non-chocolate candy
- nuts
- trail mix
- dried fruit
Toiletries can actually be a huge source of comfort for a lot of service members. Clean teeth and some lip balm can really go a long way. It’s hard to know if a service member has access to a shower if you are sending these to troops you don’t know, but all toiletries will be used eventually. So no harm in sending them 🙂
- shaving cream
- shampoo
- body wash
- deodorant
- razors
- baby wipes
- eye drops
- tooth paste
- dental floss
- hand sanitizer
- lip balm
- toothbrush
- cough drops
- icy hot
- vicks
Entertainment items…
Downtime activity items are a great way for service members to pass the time. I typically send a few in each care package. Sending a copy of a local newspaper, current pictures of regular family days at home and mementos from home are a few of favorite items to send.
- books
- magazines
- crosswords
- newspapers
- puzzles
- movies
- thumb drive
- games
- batteries
- small electronic devices
- photos from home
- reminders from home
One more resource: Troopster
If you’re looking for someone to put the care package together for you, Troopster is an awesome option to try. You choose the care package, they put it together and send it! Easy peasy!
This is all wonderful and helpful information. My fiancee is overseas in Quatar. Was looking for organizations that would send cards, etc to him. I can’t wait to make my own care package, great ideas. Do you know if they are allowed engraved cigarette lighters?
Great ideas! Themed boxes and drink mixes I didn’t even think of! I’ll have to hare this info the next time a military spouse is asking for ideas. Also I really encourage people to make their own boxes or buy from a reputable seller! (Horror Story) but I have seen a few spouses who’ve payed for care packages from other military spouses in forums and not actually send a package and block the spouse who payed! Just FYI I’ve seen that recently on a Facebook military spouse page. Anyways, wonderful read and thanks for sharing!
Thank you, this was so helpful!
We have a friend who is away from his family of 2 young children if anyone would like to send anything care package to support him please email me at brendafocus@yahoo.com
He sends all his money home to his family so He lives on the minimal so they wont go without..
My son just recieved his post assignment. He will be in Velseck, Germany at the Rose Barracks, 2nd CAV stryker squadron.
After looking through some of the items you suggest to put in a care package are ok or not ok depending not just on the base itself but on the country the base is located in.
Coffee of any sort (according to what I’ve seen) is not permitted entrance to Germany due to tariffs as are some of the other items.
Please, please- if you (anyone) is planning on sending a care package, check not only with the base but check with the country as well. I would think having something kicked back to you or to have your soldier / Marine not receive something would be very sad.
I sent a pre-made package from munchiemountain.com and they loved it!!
is there a weight restriction in kwait for care packages