I honestly cannot think of anything more unglamorous than third trimester pregnancy problems. You finally make it through the first trimester after thinking that for sure you were going to curl up in a ball and die from the overwhelming nausea. You overcame the pregnancy fatigue while caring for a toddler with those amazing bath toys for older kids that kept him entertained while you sat resting beside the tub. You are prepared to start parenting a toddler and newborn simultaneously. And then you get to the second trimester, start feeling like yourself again, which causes you to think delusional thoughts like…
Oh this isn’t so bad.
Oh pregnancy is kind cool.
Oh I have this cute little bump.
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And then you get to the third trimester and everything goes downhill FAST. Pregnancy is a funny thing, isn’t it? Glamorous, beautiful, serene—I feel like that is how our culture markets it to us, but it’s just not the case.
10 third trimester pregnancy problems:
1. You swallowed a watermelon.
This is exactly what a third trimester belly looks like. You are frequently asked when you are due and when you tell them you have 8 weeks left, people get VERY WIDE EYES. And the whole time you know they are thinking you’re going to have twins OR a 14 pound baby.
2. You now have man hands.
You’re not exactly sure when your hands became twice the size they normally are but your wedding ring definitely doesn’t fit, and sadly bracelets and watches don’t fit over your hand either.
3. You resort to wearing only flip flops.
By the way, your feet are about two sizes bigger as well and none of your shoes fit. Good thing flip flops go with all your maternity outfits because it’s all you’ve got right now.
4. You are down to only 4 shirts that actually fit.
The fabulous and fashionable maternity wardrobe you had? Yeah, you throw that right out the window because none of it fits anymore. Left with only 4 shirts that actually cover your belly, you are determined not to buy another item of pregnancy clothing. You only need to make it a few more weeks!
5. You’re HOTTTTT.
Except not in the sexy way people might be thinking. You are literally burning up like a bon-fire in mid-August. If you are a cold natured person pre-pregnancy, that person is long gone by now. Somebody please turn on the AC!
6. You have no idea what is going on “down there.”
Let’s not talk about it and pretend that we did. It’s so disturbing. Seriously, what is going on down there?! You just. You can’t even. Let’s change the subject.
7. You’re hungry, but you just don’t want to eat anymore.
You feel like you’re belly is about to burst, but your body keeps telling you, “I’m hungry, I’m hungry.”
8. You gain 5 pounds in a week, and then you cry.
How did that even happen? I mean, you barely even ate that much. You’re pretty sure the scale at the doctor’s office is broken. (This is my absolute favorite top to wear to stay looking stylish when the weight gain sneaks up on you!)
9. You want to give yourself a C-section.
Feeling slightly delusional (it must be the hormones) you secretly dream about giving yourself a C-section at home. Sometimes you just want to shout, “Please…someone cut this baby out of me!”
10. You finally go into labor, but the pain is so bad you scream, “Make it stop!”
Which is totally a ridiculous thing to scream because you just spent the past three months ready for it to be over. There’s no stopping it now, and when it’s over you’re blessed with the most amazing bundle of ooey-gooey goodness and realize that every bizarre and ridiculous third trimester problem was so WORTH IT. You spend the next couple of days enjoying your new baby (especially when they are snuggled in this perfect swaddle), yet swearing that you’ll never do it again.
But you know what they say?
Pregnancy and childbirth is just like a bad hangover:
You’ll never do it again…Until the next time.
Want more on motherhood?
- How to Manage Pregnancy Fatigue While Caring for a Toddler Too
- Best Pieces of Pregnancy Advice
- My Top 10 Newborn Baby Sleep Tips Every Parent Should Know
- Top 18 Bath Toys for Toddlers That Make Bath Time Fun
What’s your biggest third trimester pregnancy problem? Let’s chat in the comments!
It’s horrifying because it’s true, lol.
And and feet swelling and the baby pressing down on my cervix and pelvic bone.. it’s brutal! And yes, I said no more after my first! then seven years later had my so.. lol I again said nope never again! and here I am 35 weeks pregnant with baby 3 lol 😂 11 years later. 😅🤦🏼♀️