If you are thinking about buying essential oils, then you are probably wondering how exactly you would use them. I hesitated for a really long time to buy Young Living because it is really expensive. I am really frugal, and I just didn’t think that they would really be worth all the money. So once I came across the best deal I’ve ever found for a Young Living Premium Starter Kit, I had to buy it. Looking back, I wonder why I even hesitated.
They have helped our family become healthier, make cleaning products free from chemicals, in addition to helping me deal with sleep issues and stress that started shortly after I became a mom. Maybe you are looking for Young Living Essential Oils to do the same for your family.
So if you are interested in buying the starter kit, but feel unsure about how this might benefit you, here are 50+ Young Living Essential Oil Uses:
Ways to Use Lavender Essential Oil
- promotes restful sleep
- supports respiratory system
- relaxes mind and body
Related: 7 Essential Oils for Sleep That Will Help Your Family Rest All Night
Ways to Use Peppermint Essential Oil
- aids digestion
- minimizes joint and muscle tension
- supports healthy respiratory function
- support mental focus
Ways to Use Lemon Essential Oil
- cleanses and purifies
- supports mental focus
- support circulation
- supports health skin
- supports the body’s natural detox process
Ways to Use Thieves Essential Oil
- support healthy immunity and the body’s natural defenses
- helpful for cleaning aroma
- purifies
- supports oral health
Ways to Use Melaleuca A Essential Oil
- also known as “tea tree oil”
- beneficial for the skin
- supports the immune system
Ways to Use Purification Essential Oil
- neutralizes odor
- supports healthy skin
- great for all things smelly – shoes, sour laundry
Ways to Use Frankincense Essential Oil
- supports respiratory system
- calms body and mind
- supports immunity
- supports healthy cellular regeneration
- supports skin health
Related: 15 Calming Essential Oils That Bring Peace and Contentment
Ways to Use Citrus Fresh Essential Oil
- rich in d-limonene antioxidant
- supports immune system health
- purifies the air
- supports mental accuracy and concentration
Ways to Use PanAway Essential Oil
- supports healthy musculoskeletal system
- aids healthy circulation
- helps with occasional tension
Ways to Use Joy Essential Oil
- eases occasional feelings of tension or sadness
- calms and grounds
- uplifts the spirits
- balances emotions
- inspires romantic feelings
Ways to Use Stress Away Essential Oil
- promotes feelings of peace and tranquility
- eases occasional tension and stress
- restores equilibrium
- promotes relaxation
- maintains healthy blood pressure
Related: 17 Best Essential Oils for Stress
If you’re looking for more ways to use your oils, I send out an Essential Oils resource guide to everyone signing up for Young Living at the Military Wife and Mom. This will help guide you in the best ways to use essential oils in your home! I also love to use The Oil Nation Facebook Group to ask questions about personal experience with essential oils. They are truly a wealth of information, and everyone purchasing a starter kit is immediately part of the group. I hope this helps you as much it helped me!
Click here to sign up for a Young Living Premium Starter Kit
I have heard Lauren that selling essential oils is one great way to make money as a blogger. I know you are trying them out and I hope that it is working for you! Which ones are your favorites?
Lauren Tamm
I got started with essential oils because we really wanted to make a change in our home…getting rid of the chemicals, in addition to helping me manage a lot of stress and anxiety. I have completely fallen in love with them for sure. I took me a long time to buy into it because they are really expensive and it makes you wonder if they really work. But the oils have had a dramatic impact in my sleep, so I’m really grateful for that. I just ordered some glass spray bottles on Amazon to start making my own DIY cleaners. So right now I am loving Lemon, Purification, and Thieves for cleaning and disinfecting around the house. Then I am using lavender, stress away, and joy during the day and in the evenings to help with stress, moodiness, and anxious feelings.
Can you tell me what scarlessance is used for?