I became a mother in 2004 when my oldest son Daniel was born.
I knew I always wanted to have children and he was the reason I was able to fulfill that dream. In 2006 we had our 2nd little boy Drew and in 2010 we completed our little family with Joshua.
As my oldest is getting close to 11 years old, I like looking back through the years and think about everything I have been through as a mom. Some of these memories are great to remember and others I would rather forget. Motherhood is filled with so many ups and downs, yet it taught me so much.
As I look back on the last 10+ years my favorite moments come to mind. Memories that I hope will stick with me for the rest of my life. Little moments that might not be that important to someone else but to me, as the mom, they are the world.
Giving birth to my oldest child
There is something so different about having your first child. You feel emotions and experience things that you just don’t with any other children. That child, your first child changes everything for you. They not only make you a mother but they change the way you look at life and how you spend your days. They cause you to stop and recognize what is going around you and see it in a different light. I will never forget when my son Daniel was born and the world changed for us.
Giving birth to my other children
When you add a new child to your home, you change the dynamic. In big and small ways. Going from one child to two and then from two to three takes some getting used to. But it is always a good thing. Despite having to learn how to do parenting a little differently with each child, watching the joy of having siblings, watching a new baby explore and become their own person, finding a different part of yourself in each child, it is all worth it.
Taking my children to Disneyland
I grew up in Southern California so I went to Disneyland many times as a child. Taking my own children was such a great experience. Watching them see the castle for the first time, hearing them talk about their favorites rides, taking them to my favorite places, it was all so exciting. I have always loved it when I could recreate a special childhood memory with my own children.
Hearing my son talk to me about his day
My oldest had a speech delay and it took a long time before he was able to talk to me about anything more than what he was needing. I remember crying my eyes out when he was five and couldn’t tell me anything about his day at school. I remember about a year later when he was talking to me about dinosaurs and how he never used to be able to do that. It really warmed my heart and to this day I still enjoy hearing him talk to me about his interests.
Watching my children become friends
This right here is why I am so happy that I have all boys. I love watching them bond over their favorite toy or have the older ones teach something to their younger brother. We have our own share of sibling rivalry but I love to see them getting along and acting like best friends. They will always have each other and I am so glad that their relationships are starting at such a young age.
In the years ahead I am sure that I will have many more moments that warm my heart just like these ones do. When my children have their own families, I will be able to look back on their childhoods and be reminded of all the good things we did together and how special it really was. Life hasn’t been perfect, it isn’t for anyone but it is nice to take the time to look back on the good.
They say the days are long but the years are short, and that is exactly how it is.
If you are a new mom, you are in for the challenge of your life. It will be a long road but a good one.
Remember the good times because they will be there to help you through the difficult ones.
Julie blogs at Soldier’s Wife, Crazy Life. She is married to a National Guard soldier and has three boys. She lives in Tennessee and enjoys blogging, reading, photography and a good cup of coffee. You can also find her on Twitter as BloggingJulie.
Want more on motherhood?
- To All the Moms of Really Little Kids
- If I Had to Do It All Over Again
- Motherhood Isn’t What I Thought It Would Be
What’s your favorite motherhood moment? Let’s chat in the comments!
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