Military Resource Categories
- Primary Military Resources
- Military Spouse Resources
- Military Child Resources
- Military Health Care Resources
- Military Shopping Resources
- Saving Money Resources from Military Spouses
- Military Spouse Blogs Worth Reading
Primary Military Resources
Blue Star Families: A platform where military family members can join with civilian communities and leaders to address the challenges of military life. Blue Star Families includes active duty, National Guard, Reserve, wounded, transitioning service members and their families from all ranks and services, as well as veterans and civilians who strongly support us.
- Millitary spouse professionals page shares professional information, network and get the scoop on state licensing requirements across the country.
- Career development page offers support throughout your career and helps you discover amazing opportunities for military spouse employment.
Everyone Serves: A free handbook for family and friends of services members to help all of us learn more about pre-deployement, deployment, and post-deployment. The website offers a free eBook, videos, and a comprehensive list of military resources.
Military One Click: A website designed to enhance the lives of military families and friends of the military community in just one click! The site helps connect you with the latest news, job opportunities, deals, and tons of additional resources.
Military One Source: A website providing comprehensive information on every aspect of military life with information focusing on deployment, reunion, relationships, grief, spouse employment, education, parenting, and children services. Free for active duty, National Guard, and reserve members, and their families.
Military Spouse Resources
Military Spouse: A website just for military spouses to learn and grow together in the midst of PCS, deployment, careers and education.
National Military Family Association: Learn about receiving your education as a military spouse with resources to help you find an education center, chose a school, get financial assistance, and transfer schools.
NextGen Milspouse: An online magazine and bi-weekly newsletter that fosters a supportive, empowering and enriching community for the 1.1 million military spouses living around the globe.
Spouse Link: A free website that supports, informs, and inspires military spouses with daily pop culture and military information.
The Unclassifieds: The best up and coming PCS website every military spouse needs to know. Learn all sorts of cool stuff about your upcoming duty station and help other military spouses learn what to expect at duty station you already have experience with. We all have so much to learn by sharing information and PCS tips with each other!
Military Child Resources
Daddy Dolls: This organization offers you the opportunity to purchase a doll with a deployed service members photo printed on it. Daddy dolls provide a comforting item from which children can gain strength in the midst of challenging situations.
Dog Tags for Kids: This organization sends dog tags to troops currently serving in harm’s way so they can send them to their kids back home. The dog tags serve as a special memento for children to hang onto while awaiting the return of their parent.
Flat Daddies: Flat Daddies and Flat Mommies are life-size photos of deployed service members. They are provided to help children better cope with the separation they experience when a parent is away from home for long periods of time.
Kids Journals: A children’s initiative created to offer resources to help children better navigate the unique challenges military families face. Easily review, download and print journals related to deployment, military moves, and the death of a loved one for FREE.
Brats: Our Journey Home: A documentary about growing up in the military. U.S. military BRATS share personal memories about their unique childhoods, including lessons learned from life on military bases around the world and struggling to fit into a typical American lifestyle, which is so different from their own.
Sesame Street Workshop: An outreach program to help military kids through deployments, combat-related injuries, and the death of a loved one. Videos, storybooks, and workbooks are available through this program to guide families through challenging transitions by showing how real families (and our favorite sesame street characters) cope with similar situations.
United Through Reading: A military program that aims to ease the stress of family separation during deployment. Parents read children’s books aloud via DVD for their child to watch at home.
Military Healthcare Resources
Tricare: The best resource for all things healthcare related. Using the website you can book appointments, find a doctor, compare plans, view your referrals & authorizations, see what’s covered, enroll or purchase a plan, manage your prescriptions or download a form.
Tricare Dental: Learn about dental programs available to your, find a dentist, and download the Tricare dental options factsheet.
My Tricare: Provides fiscal intermediary and management information services to the Department of Defense (DoD) under TRICARE Managed Care Support (MCS) Program subcontracts. In 2012, PGBA processed over 40 million claims on behalf of TRICARE beneficiaries.
Military Shopping Resources
The Commissary: The ultimate grocery store resource for military families. Find a location near you, learn what’s on sale, make a shopping list, and discover potential food recalls that may affect your area.
The Exchange: The ultimate retail shopping resource for military families. Learn what’s on sale at your local store or shop online and receive free shipping when you use your military star card.
Saving Money Resources from Military Spouses
Budget Loving Military Wife: Learn how to budget through all the ups and downs of military life, including how to manage money during PCS, TDY and separations, as well as information on couponing, military discounts and much more!
Cents and Order: A great blog written to help you simplify your finances and get organized. Learn how to budget, save money, get rid of debt and get your finances in order.
Military Wives Saving: A website to help you find coupons, commissary deals, budget friendly recipes, as well as a list of military discounts available to you!
Military Wife Blogs Worth Reading
Army Wife 101: Great content on everything from military life, military discounts , products reviews, travel, recipes and news!
Camo Style Love: A great lifestyle blog for military spouses to find information on family and service member support, veteran/civilian transition, military discounts, and mental health support just to name a few.
Green Mountain Girl: A blog about military life, life overseas, eco-friendly living, and missing the comforts of home.
Jo, My Gosh: My absolute favorite military care package resource! Plus, tons of encouraging information on deployment, military life, and recipes.
Life of a Traveling Navy Wife: A military wife with a full fledged career in corporate event management. Join her as she shares stories throughout her journey.
Semidelicate Balance: A blog covering the daily challenges of being a working mom and a military spouse.
Singing Through the Rain: Air Force wife and mother of 2, Kathryn Sneed blogs about marriage, military life, special needs children, and much more. She has a wonderful book called Journey Through Deployment about stepping forward with confidence during military separations.
Soldier’s Wife, Crazy Life: Work at home mom, wife to a National Guard Soldier, mama of 3 little boys…photographer, book lover and blogger.
The Reluctant Landlord: An amazing resource to learn how to buy and rent real estate at your next duty station. Using this information you can build your long term investments to help secure a fruitful retirement post military life.