Dear Sweet Son, Congratulations! You’ve survived an entire year with me as your mother. I’m not a big believer in miracles, but I think the fact that there’s been only one trip to urgent care, one allergic reaction and zero calls to child services means we are well on our way to a miracle. At any rate, you are alive and thriving! [...]
10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Mom
We read all the books, accept all the advice, and prepare as best we can. The baby comes, and somehow, there are always so many things lingering that we all really wish we knew. We all have a story about the truths of our first months as a mother. If nothing else, at least it’s an honest story. 10 things I wish I knew before becoming a [...]
Journey Through Deployment — A Book Review
Deployments are emotional roller coasters, filled with twists and turns, ups and downs, catapulting you in crazy, unexpected directions. As a military wife, I am no stranger to deployments. During the beginnings of my relationship with my now husband, together we journeyed through three deployments in three years. It was an unconventional [...]
Dear Military Spouses on Babble,
Dear military spouses on Babble and everywhere else, We’ve all learned some tough lessons in the past week, and I cannot seem to get it off my mind. Typically shying away from controversial topics and discussions, this is one I feel compelled to write about. Last week, there was an article posted on Babble entitled, My Solider is Leaving [...]
The Hidden Costs of PCS Moves
We are preparing to move very soon, and already, I see the dollar signs adding up daily. Buying stuff to get us better organized, buying more cleaning products to do a ‘move out’ clean, buying more luggage, buying more fast food because we are too lazy to cook…the list is starting to get pretty long. There are so many hidden costs [...]
8 Infant Sleep Facts Every Parent Needs to Know
My recent post on My Top 10 Newborn Baby Sleep Tips was so overwhelmingly popular, I decided to start writing a whole series about routines, schedules and sleep. When it comes right down to it, we all appreciate sleep, but we aren't always sure how to get there. I'm right there with ya! post contains affiliate links Especially when it [...]
Top 5 Reasons Military Spouses are Anything but Dependent
I’m not really sure where the term dependent originated from, and quite frankly, it doesn’t really matter for the purpose of this well-intended blog post. It’s the term the military uses to identify sponsored family members of a military service member for purposes of pay as well as special benefits, privileges and rights. After [...]
How to Get a Baby to Stop Biting
It seems like lately my sweet boy has a new found passion for sinking his teeth into everything. And so we’ve officially entered the dreaded baby biting stage. In the beginning it was a major biting issue during both playtime and eating, and actually it continues to be an ongoing issue, but it is getting better each day. In fact, we’ve [...]
4th of July Scavenger Hunt for Kids
A 4th of July scavenger hunt for kids is the perfect way to have fun while learning a bit about our nations independence too! When I was a kid, 4th of July was a special time of year. We would travel up north for the weekend at the lake, play fun games, barbeque, and enjoy fireworks from the pier. It was a special time for our family to [...]
Weaning from Breastfeeding: When, How, and the Emotional Truth
I just put on a normal bra for the first time in about a year, and you know what it felt like? It felt like freedom. Then I put on a dress that is entirely not conducive to nursing (unless of course, I would yank the dress from the skirt up all the way to my collar bone). And you know what that felt like? It felt like even more [...]